从地球到火星,最靠谱的网赌软件海洋 & 地球科学(OES)校友香农·科菲尔德博士.D.已经成为一些天文机会的一部分. 她强大的军事背景加上对S.T.E.M. 帮助她打破了科学界女性的玻璃天花板. 科菲尔德的旅程从一开始就不确定, 而是从悲剧走向胜利, Cofield has used her knowledge combined with dedication to take each hurdle she’s crossed as par for the course. 因为她已经开始了她作为地质海洋学家的职业生涯, she credits her triple crown degrees from ODU and her time served in the military as intricate to her success.

抓住机会似乎是科菲尔德的第二天性. 目前在美国担任地质海洋学家.S. 科菲尔德在内政部海洋能源管理局工作. “Our group’s primary responsibility is in charge of managing all of the marine minerals that are in all federal waters, 刚刚扩大到包括波多黎各、太平洋岛屿和阿拉斯加的更多地区,科菲尔德说。. 她的团队被分成两个小组. The first part of her work focuses on sand and gravel renourishment at Atlantic beaches for sea level rise and infrastructure protection. The second part of her duties are on deep sea or critical minerals which has become a “hot button issue because of the deep-sea mining concerns.科菲尔德说, “我们被鼓励开展自己的研究, 发展我们自己的研究并执行这些研究.她最近的职责似乎非常重大, 但对她来说,多年来她已经为这样的地震时刻做好了准备. 

在担任现职之前, Cofield was part of a team of scientists who mapped out Gale Crater for the NASA Mars Science Laboratory “Curiosity” rover, 和耶泽罗陨石坑, NASA 2020火星探测器在哪里, “毅力”号将于2021年着陆. 在ODU时, 攻读博士学位, 她获得了2020年弗吉尼亚太空奖学金, 她做了一份实习,与美国宇航局的研究员. Katie Stack Morgan在喷气推进实验室(JPL)/加州理工学院. 因为在COVID-19大流行期间,该国处于严格的封锁状态, 科菲尔德可以和西海岸的团队一起工作. “当时, 他们没有着陆点, 但他们有三个候选着陆点,科菲尔德说。. 

她帮助喷气推进实验室的同事做了一些大比例尺的制图. “我们去了一个研讨会,三个小组都展示了他们的数据, 这是一次很酷的经历吗, NASA总部选择了我们的地点,科菲尔德说。. After nearly two and a half years of working on precise mapping using the geospatial software Geographic Information System (ArcGIS), 科菲尔德很高兴能成为历史的一部分. When most of the world watched the live feed on television or on the internet of the Mars Rover “Perseverance” landing, 科菲尔德有不同的看法. “Seeing something that I've looked at so intimately on satellite imagery for so many months and years finally coming to view in real life and seeing the landing was so surreal for me,科菲尔德说。. 

The mission goals of the Mars Rovers expanded from Curiosity’s search for water to Perseverance’s search for evidence of past life on the red planet. “他们想寻找过去生命的迹象,所以我们需要找到一个区域,”科菲尔德说. “And this is where my whole education at ODU helped play into decision making because my group asked, “你在地球上哪里能找到过去生命的迹象?’” Her team focused on finding evidence of bacteria and more specifically marine bacteria and water bacteria. “There's a couple of unique spots that you might still find that are preserved on another planet or even here on earth and one of them is the Mississippi River,科菲尔德说。. “在密西西比河的入海口, 水流变慢的地方, 沉积物堆积成一个扇形的特征,称为三角洲. Everything flowing down the river has a chance to get incorporated into the delta- including bacteria, 微生物, 和其他有机物. “其中很多都集中在三角洲的沉积物中,并随着时间的推移而积累,科菲尔德说。. “瞧!, 火星上的一个地方是一个陨石坑, 你可以看着它,然后说, ‘oh, 大风扇的特点是什么?“那是一个古老的三角洲.” Seeing the delta on Mars proved to Cofield and her team that there was once water flowing at some point. “这是一个湖, there's a delta and the chances of finding some sort of evidence of ancient bacteria or organic matter was our best bet,科菲尔德说。. Being able to collaborate on the NASA project while staying laser-focused on completing her doctoral degree at ODU was everything Cofield loved about science. 此外,回顾过去,她知道S是多么重要.T.E.M. education is to unlocking mysteries on this planet and beyond because having a firm foundation is key.

Cofield was raised in Wisconsin and originally began her undergraduate program at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. “我一直很喜欢S.T.E.M., 但我真的不知道我想做什么, 我从高中直接上了大学,科菲尔德说。. 当震惊波及整个国家时,她正坐在中西部的教室里. 2001年9月11日,美国遭受了恐怖分子的袭击. 很快,她毫不犹豫地做出了一生中最具影响力的决定.“当911事件发生时, 像大多数人一样, 我放弃了一切,加入了海军,科菲尔德说。. “我在一个独特的司令部在海军服役了四年,实际上我从未上过船.”

During her time-of-service Cofield was chosen to be a part of the Presidential Honor Guard in Washington, D.C. “I performed ceremonies at the White House and rendered funeral honor in Arlington National Cemetery,科菲尔德说。. She and those chosen to be part of this high-level position were required to meet a series of criteria, 比如有一尘不染的记录, 每个人都必须超过6英尺高,而且身高相同. “And you had to be able to get a clearance to essentially stand next to the President with a rifle,科菲尔德说。. The bulk of her time in the Presidential Honor Guard was spent honoring military service members who had fallen. 科菲尔德说:“总的来说,我在四年里办了2500个葬礼.

她在海军服役后, she began another journey at ODU in the fall of 2008 as an undergraduate in the department of Ocean & 地球科学(OES). 在2012年获得理学学士学位后, 她留在了ODU,并在2015年完成了她的硕士学位. “我选择了参加硕士综合考试, 这样我就可以把我已经做过的所有研究都纳入ODU的Ph值了.D. 科菲尔德说.

科菲尔德在她的博士导师的指导下进行了古海洋地质学的研究, 名誉教授. 丹尼斯·达比. 她的研究着眼于北极在过去三个主要冰河时期是如何受到冰的影响的. 海冰和冰川带着沉积物在北冰洋周围漂移, 然后将它们存放在北大西洋. We analyzed a deep-sea marine sediment core from the North Atlantic and matched the unique elemental composition of iron-oxide sand grains to the original land locations around the Arctic. . “使用深海沉积物岩心, we can go back in the past and look at past glacial periods and we see how and when ice was moving,科菲尔德说。. “We use it as a proxy for ice movement and looking at these rapid climate changes that are in the past record could give us some insight as to what's going on today.”  

Climate change and geology remain at the core of Cofield’s career which started ODU and she was able to get out on the water to pursue research. Cofield对ODU的研究船(RV)进行了研究。 费伊解决. “我登上了R/V研究船亚特兰蒂斯号, 是伍兹霍尔的船吗, 上面有阿尔文号的那个, 哪个是深海潜水器,科菲尔德说。. She’s done a two-month cruise off the coast of Chili specifically in the eastern Equatorial Pacific. 此外,她还在美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)的罗布·布朗号(R/V Rob Brown)上工作过,该船位于墨西哥海岸附近.

She credits ODU with giving her a firm foundation in collaboration and exploration to helping move her career path forward. “Something I really like about the oceanography department at ODU is that you have got to be interdisciplinary,科菲尔德说。. “So that teamwork aspect of the military and everything I’ve been a part of with so many options has been a theme in my life.” 

在美国做一个女人.T.E.M. 对科菲尔德有利吗. “我会说在ODU, I was very lucky because there was basically a 50/50 representation of men and female scientists and everyone truly cared about the success of their students,科菲尔德说。. 她把这个建议分享给那些想在美国发展事业的女性.T.E.M.“不要让身为女性成为障碍. 不要让它阻止你. 做好你的工作,为自己感到骄傲.” From serving her country in a time of need to helping the country keep natural resources sustainable for generations to come, 科菲尔德是一位谦逊的君主,她很感激ODU在她的旅程中对她的影响.